I would choose mushrooms over Gulmohars
I would choose to suffer over happiness
I would choose pain over satisfaction
If that could tell you what I mean when I apologize.
I miss the old us, I miss the old we
My body craves the old meets
I know it's my fault and no one else's.
So, want to ask you once again,
Will you forgive me?
Will you forget what I did?
I would choose mushrooms over Gulmohar
If that meant that you could be you and I could be me and we would go back to WE
I'm sorry I got distracted
I'm sorry I lost the way
Even though it seemed like a formality
I really meant it when I said
I would choose mushrooms over Gulmohar
Cause it's the mushrooms I hate and Gulmohars I love
But I would bare what I hate and let go of what I loved
If that meant you would forgive me for what I have done
I'm sorry
Will you forgive me?
I hope you do cause
I would choose mushrooms over Gulmohars just for you.
~ Manan Bhatia.